HALLOWEEN…It’s Not Really That Bad?

HALLOWEEN…It’s Not Really That Bad?

YES! I’m gonna go there…because we are living in a society where truth is being stomped into the ground, truth must be proclaimed and lived. Where there is no truth, everyone lives a lie!

Anton LaVey

As you read the quote of Anton LaVey on the attached graphic, please prayerfully consider what he said. Certainly, many will laugh off his quote as silly rubbish with no meaning; however, I have carefully watched this man’s evil path for many years and I can tell you that nothing but evil comes from him and when he speaks, he speaks exactly what his evil heart believes.

Certainly, we can easily “blow off” Halloween as just another day, just another event…no harm for the kiddos to get dressed up, go out in the neighborhoods and just have fun. Problem is simple, we are allowing our kiddos to “just have fun” at their expense. I am in no wise judging anyone for the decision they make about Halloween, I am simply laying the truth out on the table. What each of us does with the truth is certainly our decision but understand that one day GOD will hold us accountable for every decision we’ve made.

Paul gave the church a charge in 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22. He tells the church:Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.” His charge is not wordy, not difficult to interpret or understand, just difficult for us to adhere to. He instructs us to test everything, check it out against the Scriptures, determine how it lines up with the teachings of GOD’s Word. He then instructs us to grab onto what is good, to cling to those things that line up with the Word. Finally, he tells us to “avoid every kind of evil.” That phrase has been translated as to “flee the very appearance of evil.” Notice he doesn’t simply say flee from those things that are evil; he says flee from those things which even appear evil.

I will certainly have individuals up in arms over this stand but truth has a tendency to do that to people who are determined to live their lives according to their own set standards rather than GOD’s. I can already hear people saying, GOD wants my kids to have fun! This is just a time of the year for them to go out and have fun. Certainly, I don’t need to go into all the Satanic rituals and happenings that will occur world-wide that same evening because those who have their minds made up will not listen. However, as I said before, Judgement Day will come where we will all give an accounting to Almighty GOD for the decisions we have made.

If you have made it this far, your interest is no doubt piqued. I have chosen to abide by the following for the sake of abiding by the Word of GOD and what it says and I pray you will do so as well.

I will not celebrate or participate in Halloween because:

– I don’t want to underestimate the devil
– I don’t want to open up to demonic influence
– I don’t want to stumble into an area of the occult unaware
– I want everyone to know that I take the Bible literally
– I want to prefer the light of the Gospel to the darkness of the occult
– I want everyone to know that it is OK to stand apart from the world on these issues
– I want everyone to recognize easily what is evil and stand against it in the name of Jesus

2 thoughts on “HALLOWEEN…It’s Not Really That Bad?

    • The Bible is absolutely “literal” in its meaning and intent throughout as it is the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). However, understanding the context within which it is written is vital to understanding the meaning of the writer/speaker. When Jesus was speaking of removing those things that offend such as hands, eyes, etc.as you mentioned, He was speaking in analogy trying to re-enforce the consequences of sin and that the offender is better off cutting them off and going to heaven rather than allonwing their ongoing offense to condemn them to an eternal hell. If He had been speaking literal, His own disciples would have been limbless and blind, but His total reasoning was to generate repentance and right living not removal of limbs. If people are left to pick and choose what each would consider literal and what would not, it is no longer the Word of God but it becomes the suggestions of God.


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